Monday, December 10, 2012

Portrait: Carolina

These are my 4 portrait pics of my Bestie Carolina. I wanna thank her 
for portraying such great poses and making me laugh as I took pictures.

This is one of my best friends, Carolina. It took this picture by this
"back path" right behind my house, where there's a bunch of inspiration
to take pictures of. I decided to pose her resting on the wooden post, because
I thought it would balance the perpendicular lines of the post. I used the rule of thirds
as a way to create a nice symmetry yet, not have her directly in the center.

Now this is an impromptu photo i took at the tennis courts I live by, and 
I really find the fact that she's just hanging over the net funny. It's not something
everyone does on a daily basis, but in my case, it provided me with an object
for Carolina to pose randomly and how she felt. To me, this picture says "I 
should have joined tennis with Romelyn at the beginning of the year but there's 
always 3 more years to join." Something I would have erased was the annoying 
lamp post in the back, and with all the good tone range with Carolina, the light post just has to
be there. -__-

Not so surprisingly, this picture is one of my favorites. I love how it
captures the sadness and humble vibe through her clothes and expression. I didn't
expect her jacket to tell a story, and when I was editing, I wanted to bring it out even more.
My favorite part is how her jacket really contrasts against the rest of the shadows,
and emphasizes her sad appearance. The tree also helped in the making, with all
the depth its bringing, it somehow says "she is empty," just like itself, with no leaves. Also, thanks 
Coco for being a great model :)

Last but not least is this important photo. I took this in front of the tennis courts, right 
outside the border of the fence. One of the things that really pop out to me is the cement
stains. I like how it contradicts the bubbly and happy smile she's showing. But this time,
two things I would have changed were the sharpness of her facial features, and the stupid light 
pole in the back (curse you!). I also didn't realized that this picture tells more than just a smile.
The cement stains appear to be dripping, and some faded and stronger than the others. In my pers-
pective, it explains how on the the outside she might seem happy and cheery, but when you
get to know her roots deep down, you learn there's more to her.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


 Straight up the Sky
This picture of the light pole I took at the Cp Tennis courts
didn't take me long to edit. Lightroom provided me with simple 
tools to achieve this look. Such as the color temperature and the clarity.
Since I play tennis, I instantly thought to take a pic of something else 
other than the courts. I think this is a great line photo because it shows the height
of the light pole, and the perpendicular lines on the top. This is a picture of straight lines.

 Squiggled Sweets
As yummy as it looks, the fake cupcake didn't take long to edit as well.
Again, Lightroom gave me enough tools to make the cupcake look as decieving.
I used the temperature, exposure, and blacks tools to edit it. My friend Alexis actually 
isnpired me to take this photo, because I didn't have any other subjects in mind 
to take pics of, and she had this in handy. I think it is a good line photo because it shows
the squiggled lines from the frosting, and the diagonal/vertical lines from the cupcake liner.
The cupcake is mostly of squiggle and diagonal/straight lines.

At lunch I always eat on this wooden bench that I never knew would 
be helpful for school. I used Lightroom to edit this with the tint, brightness, 
and contrast tools. My Best friends inspired me to capture this photo because
we always have good laughs and memories to tell whenever we sit here. The bench
is a good example of a line photo because  it gives the illusion of a curved grain
on the bench, while in reality its not. The Bench has curved/straight lines.

aRound the Balloons
My niece's first birthday was this year, and I decided to 
take a picture of her balloons. This time I used a little bit of Photoshop, erasing 
and repainting some random spots on that didn't come out on camera as well.
Then I used lightroom to turn this into a black & white pic, edited it with
the Blacks, temperature, and exposure tools. And with all the pink, purple,
and blue colors going on in her hello kitty party theme, I was inspired to take this picture.
The Balloons represent a good line photo because they aren't so typical, plus they're 
different from my others. The Balloons have round lines.