Saturday, January 19, 2013

Photo Final

My theme/ subject for my photo final was a silver vintage tarnished teapot set.


This picture represent shape because of the circles on top of the teapot containers. The light illuminates
the rim around the tops, giving it a circular shape. The set the camera to a shutter speed of about 250 and an aperture of about 5.6. For printing, and aperture of 5.6 for 2 seconds, I also used a filter. Also, the background wasn't completely white, so I had to enlarge the picture and make the teapot set a lot bigger. It was then placed in the developer for about a minute or so, I tweaked the time to prevent from over-processing. I left the pic in the stop bath for 30 sec. regular time, and the fixer for 2 min.


This picture represents lines in the sense of the light circling around the indents of the plate. I thought the light looked cool on how it didn't perfectly rim around, and how the size of the each lines were slightly different from one another. The only annoying part was the strong white glare in the center, which (if I shot this picture at a better angle) would've shown the texture of the intricate design of the plate. I shot this with a shutter speed of about 500/1000 and an aperture of about f4, f/2. Then, I printed this picture with an aperture of about 3.5 for 2 seconds. The plate was already shot at a close enough angle, so I didn't enlarge it. As for all the photos, I left this pic in the developer, stop bath, and fixer for all the same times; 1 min. (tweaked), 30. sec., and 2 min.


This photo represents form because of the deep shadows and highlights of the sugar pot ( I think it's a sugar pot, idk I'm not an expert at tea sets :P). The grayish cast softens the shadows of the sugar pot, making less harsh on the eye. I shot this picture with a shutter speed of about 250, and aperture f/4. Finally I printed it with an aperture of 5.6 for 2 sec. with no filter. I didn't enlarge this photo too much, only because originally I thought it would work for space, but "space" is a completely different element.As for all the photos, I left this pic in the developer, stop bath, and fixer for all the same times; 1 min. (tweaked), 30. sec., and 2 min.


This photograph represents texture because of the detailed carvings/ imprints on the spout and legs of the teapot. When I shot this, the camera didn't really capture the tarnished parts on the imprints. After printing though, I realized this also worked for form because of the shadows and highlights. I shot this picture with a shutter speed of 500 and aperture f/8. As for printing, an aperture of 5.6 for 2 sec. with a filter. I also enlarged the photo so that the majority of the picture, had the teapot as the focus. As for all the photos, I left this pic in the developer, stop bath, and fixer for all the same times; 1 min. (tweaked), 30. sec., and 2 min.