Thursday, February 21, 2013

Texture Layers, Opacity & Blending Modes

I took this picture of my friend Cris by the Gym. I asked her to wear her mint green sweater for my "how I roll" project, and surprisingly, it also worked for my texture layer, opacity & blending modes pic. I remembered I also had a picture of the fence/ mesh fabric cover at the tennis courts, so I used that. The gridlines were similar to the mesh/ crochet detail of Cris' sweater, so that's why I chose it. I increased the vibrance of her sweater and brought up the fill light a little bit. Then in photoshop, I lowered the opacity of the tennis fence to 28%. That was pretty much it for my texture layer picture.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Water Drops

For this flower, I made a lot of my edits on Lightroom first. In the original picture, I turned up the color temperature and exposure a bit. Then I amplified the contrast. The whites and blacks are turned up at the same amount. I brought some of the clarity down to make the deadly-ish looking petals more soft and tubular to make it look like a sea plant from a coral reef. In photoshop, I followed the tutorial and made the blues a lot more vivid, the yellows almost as bright and toned down the warmer tones like red and magenta.

In this quadratic mesh of the water drops, I tired to adjust the pictures to have the same look and feel. (well at least for two of them). I turned up the temperature to warmer setting, made the colors more vibrant, and turned up the clarity A LOT to really make the lines of the petals and the outlines of the water drops stand out. In the corner right picture, the flash was on, so it kind of looks strange. But i attempted to look a little bit identical to the top left water drop pic. I also payed attention the the tone of the vase in two of the side shots, and made them more of an amber/ orange jewely color. I feel like it helps the flowers stand out a little bit more :)