Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How I Roll

How I roll is through fashion and personal style. Most of my photos have a meaning, inspiration, or sense of confidence.

Music Inspired

The outfit in this photo shows more of a subdued version of music translated into fashion. For some people, it might be hard to tell that the shirt says and has a screen printed pic of The Beatles. I edited this using only lightroom, cropping out the extra space of the tennis fence behind her (Carolina), and played with the whole vintage "filter" look. I gave the overall photo a cooler temperature, deepened the blacks a bit, and added a little bit of the fill light to create the white airy look at the top. Then, I lowered the clarity to about -5 to make the details and outlines of the objects less harsh and modern day HD looking. Finally, to make the main outfit stand out, I amped up the vibrance so that the red shorts and red lips added a little twist. In my mind, the style portrayed in this pic shows the vintage side of me, and how I like to incorporate color and a bit of a modern twist to retro pieces. Also, since The Beatles were a alternative/rock/pop/indie band, it describes how my taste in music has changed, genre wise, from rap to alternative/indie music. (My fav band is Imagine Dragons.)


Now besides emphasizing the Nike logo, this pic of my running shoe has quite a motivational meaning to me. My sister Jessica has been getting into healthy fitblrs (fitness tumblr blogs) and is transforming into one those fitness/health lover people. And lately, the Nike lunar running shoes has become a big trend in the workout world. So once she introduced me to them,  she got me the lavender + black ones and the bright scarlet ones for herself. Basically what I'm doing in the pic is putting on the shoe before my friend and I played tennis (Carolina took the pic while on self timer). I really didn't make any adjustments, because I love the lighting of the sunset that day. On lightroom I turned up the contrast and deepened the blacks. Then on Photoshop, I dodged the lavender lining and logo of the shoe. "Just Do it" can have many different interpretations, but the way I look at it is that it means 'Just be crazy' 'Just be  Wild' 'Just be healthy' and motivates me by pushing myself to "Just Do it."And since most people don't think of health and fashion mixing, it makes a lot of sense to me, because now I can also be fit....with style. 

Combat Boots

As big as the trend is, combat boots really are a staple of my wardrobe. Combat boots are universal for both men and women, originating from army soldiers when in combat, and making its way through the runway by accentuating the edginess of the girls' outfits. I only have one pair of combat boots, which have worn out a lot since last year from wearing them almost everyday. The compilation of pics was edited all on photoshop. I lassoed the two combat boots at the top from pics of my friends wearing them. All the three background pics were lowered to an opacity of about 39%. The top pic is a scene from "Captain America: The First Avenger" which all of the men are wearing the boots, then transitioning to the middle to a camouflage pattern to give a little history of what they were typically worn with, then to the bottom pic of Carolina, who is a great example of showing how she styles her boots into a feminine way. To draw attention away from the lines of each separate pic, I blurred the lines slightly. As for the font, I chose a strong utilitarian font on "combat" and cursive, girly, pink font to add a feminine twist to "boots." For me, combat boots gives me a sense of toughness, confidence, and "hey, I may be a girl but I'm stronger than I look" attitude. (Thanks Mrs.K for the Ideas!!)

90's revival

Ok...now I what this pic is awesome for the old school sweater. And as much as I dread this word from exposure to hearing it so much........I must say, it has Swag. The story behind this is that it used to be my oldest sister's (Angelica), and somehow its been saved to this day in Jessica's closet. Whenever Angelica sees it, its like a tacky piece of clothing of her teen years in the 90's. So, she obviously hates it now. But since the come back of 90's clothes, this sweater now obviously fits into the Hipster category. All my alterations were on Lightroom, and I cropped out the distractions of the background (my bag on the side, people hanging out, etc.). I tinted the overall pic with a little bit of a pink tone, turned up the vibrance a lot to show the true colors of the sweater, deepened the blacks a bit, added a slightly warmer temperature, and finally turning up the fill light. Overall this is my favorite photo, not only because of my Hipster 90's sweater and mint green shades making me look like a boss. But because it clearly implies how I like to wear pieces from back in the day and style it into something a little more out there with a modern touch.

And that..is How I roll.