Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Lilith & Lomo


For this photo, followed the tutorial directions completely. Not much to say,  I added a vignette, though it looks quite strange, softened the radial blur,  and adjusted the channel mixer, making the red tone more vibrant. The radial blur is concentrated more on the fence area, bringing out diagonal/vertical lines around her. I also added some noise with an amount of 10 to the overall picture and the radial blur filter.


I did the same with the lilith as the lomo, basically adding a vignette by creating an oval. I added a layer with a noise filter, and set the amount to 30%. After that came the opacity decrease of the whole layer down to 30% as well. Then I inverted the oval so that I could delete the inner oval and get rid of the black inside to reveal the picture underneath and next changed the filter into a soft light. Finally I painted the inner edge of the oval with a soft black brush to blend the whole lilith vignette more smoothly :D