Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!!

So today (or shall I say yesterday) was thanksgiving. And may I say, it was definitely better and different than last year. I made cinnamon buns, and my family LOVED them. They were a HIT!! :D My aunts and cousins kept asking for the recipe, and my aunt even showed me her recipe cookbook full of desserts and recipes from other people going all the way back to who know's when. Ok well not that long ago. It's 12:57 and my sister and I plan to go black Friday shopping a little later on. We're not much of crazy shoppers so it's all good :) As of now....I'm just so happy and excited for Christmas and New Year's. I'm thinking of making my famous cinnamon rolls, churros dipped in chocolate and bringing hot chocolate (last one is a maybe). Time for reflection of this past year:
     I can't believe it's near the end of 2013. I feel like I haven't finished 2012 yet haha. But really, the last few months of 2012 were a revisit from my depressed years during 7th and 8th grade. And now it's towards the last month of 2013 and I still haven't adjusted to seeing the numbers 2-0-1-3 on papers. Occasionally I want to write 2012 but I don't. I don't know, I have a feeling 2014...(ahh writing those numbers feels like time has passed so vastly) will be so so soooo SO much happier, energetic, brighter, oppurtunistic, life changing, (hopefully not too)faster, stronger, and better (like the daft punk song). And OMG I just found the song with the deep drumbeat I "thought" I found all year, it's by Kanye West- Black Skinhead. That's pretty much all I have to say for this year, I'll definitely be adding a more deeper personal post when the time comes for the new year. Oh yeah, I hope and know my fabulosity will stay and thrive through my style, personality, dancing, mind, body (ooooo haha jk), and soul. (Don't you just love that last classic part?)

Until next time,
Romelyn :P