Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day For Night Exposure

I took pictures of pea plant flowers from the school garden. The first 3 each show the different ISO settings. And the last half shows the different ranges of the light meter on each pic. I didn't really master the 'day for night' exposure, and in the beginning I had the idea planted in my brain, and the concept faded away a little during the practice shots.

This was taken with an ISO of 100. 

This was shot with an ISO of 400. I also forgot not to make drastic edits in lightroom for this. So all the colors and the lighting are altered. Oops.....*smh*

This was shot with an ISO of 1000.

Light meter ranges

This was shot with ISO 400 at -2 on the light meter.

This was shot with ISO 400 at -1 on the light meter.

This was shot at ISO 400 at 0 on the light meter.

Flower Power

To make the flower look like its shooting out magic and lights, I used the standard paint tool to add the white dots. A few dots at the base of the flower, and transitioning to a bigger size as it flows out. To give the bokeh effect, I 'spread' the dots by 7-9%. I boosted the opacity to 33%, and made the size around 40%. This was all done using the outer glow in the layer. In the next layer with the strokes, I used the pen tool, then ctrl clicked on one of the lines. I selected the stroke path of a brush, and made sure to simulate the pressure. I used the same steps to create the soft glow around the bokeh, to the wispy strokes. There were pen lines inside the glowing strokes, but when I saved the final overall picture, it got rid of them. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


The dogs in these pictures are of my neighbor's dog charlie, and my sister's dog Milo

 Scared Charlie
     I asked my neighbor real quick if I could take some pictures of her dog. So...this is Charlie. He's a Corgi. Corgis are known to be energetic and obedient, but can be aggressive at times. So here was Charlie, taking a bath after playing outside. He was pretty scared of me, and he hates water as well. SO I thought that this pic was good at capturing his emotion of fear and sorrow. His ears are somewhat folded back, his eyes have a depressing look. I edited this in lightroom and based my changes of a preset of B&W- Look 3. I turned down the blacks a bit, the darkness of the wet fur was seemed a little too distracting.